WrapManager's Wealth Management Blog
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The Shaky State of Social Security

Posted by Gabriel Burczyk | Founder & CEO

July 4, 2018

If there’s a good word to describe the state of Social Security in America, it might be something like “uncertain.” And that’s a far cry from the reliable, dependable safety net that many retirees and future retirees have come to expect of the program.

Many readers probably know where this is going – the familiar narrative that Social Security is underfunded, may run out of money soon, and may not be there for future generations. Even still, as the checks continue rolling in, the idea that Social Security is in trouble has a feeling of being far-fetched. For many, it feels like an issue that may indeed be true but doesn’t necessarily apply to you specifically.

First signed into effect by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935, the Social Security Act created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers over the age of 65 continuing income after retirement. Since then, tens of millions of people have received benefits through the Social Security Act. Yet, the program was wrought with challenges from the start, and experienced financial peril as early as 1977.¹

And, despite attempts to keep it solvent, the Social Security program faces a major long-term shortfall. Surprisingly though, a large number of Americans seem unaware of this looming failure.

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Retirement Planning Social Security Benefits Retirement Income Strategy

3 Social Security Myths Debunked

December 7, 2016
For many investors and retirees, the task of navigating Social Security is often a tricky (and sometimes confusing) undertaking. In fact, it is complex to the point that Fidelity Investments recently brought to light several “myths” about Social Security, which are really misunderstandings more than anything else. In several surveys, Fidelity found that investors had misconceptions about some of the key features and rules surrounding Social Security Retirement Benefits. These misconceptions can cost retirees money over time, so it’s important to work with a financial advisor when making the important decisions about when and how to take your benefit. [+] Read More

“Phasing Out”: The Art of the Gradual Retirement

August 31, 2016
Many retirees or those pondering retirement know: sometimes it’s difficult to let go. After spending decades being hard-wired to go to work week-in and week-out—and in many cases enjoying it—just retiring cold turkey can be a lot to process. That’s why many people opt to “phase out” instead, incrementally weaning themselves away from work and towards retirement. Call it, a “gradual retirement.” [+] Read More

2 Key Social Security Strategies Legislated Away: What You Need to Know

August 9, 2016
Two strategies designed to maximize Social Security retirement benefits just got cut, but it doesn’t mean your benefits have to shrink too (more on that later). Effective May 1, the U.S. government adopted rules that will bar the "file and suspend strategy" for people born after April 30, 1950, putting an end to a unique strategy for drawing Social Security that helped many retirees boost their lifetime benefits significantly. [+] Read More

Social Security Changes: How the Budget Agreement Affects Retirement Plans

November 18, 2015
Investor concerns about another government shutdown were eased in late October, when Congressional leaders passed a bipartisan agreement that will provide relief from sequester cuts and avoid unnecessary debt defaults1 (yes, we just wrote the words ‘bipartisan’ and ‘agreement’ in the same sentence). A closer look at the budget agreement, however, revealed some changes to Social Security rules that will close the window – at least for now - on some unique Social Security Retirement Benefit ‘strategies’ that we’ve written about before. The End of the “File and Suspend” Strategy The first is the File and Suspend Strategy. Before this budget agreement, the file and suspend option allowed one person in a married couple to file for their benefit (thereby allowing the spouse to claim their benefit) but then immediately suspend it – allowing that future benefit to increase. You file, your spouse claims, then you suspend. [+] Read More

Social Security Strategies for Divorced Spouses

October 1, 2014
Planning for Social Security benefits is complex, and if you’re divorced, you may have wondered how spousal benefits will work for you in your retirement years. One thing is for certain: when it comes to Social Security, timing is everything. Knowing and understanding your options can help improve your retirement income plan. General Options Just as there is flexibility for married retirees, divorced retirees have several options when it comes to Social Security. Spousal benefits are generally 50% of your ex-spouse’s full retirement benefits if you file at your full retirement age (66). [+] Read More

Are Your Social Security Retirement Benefits Taxable?

June 12, 2014
If you generate retirement income from non-Social Security sources, like an investment portfolio or rental properties, your Social Security retirement benefits are probably taxable. It’s important to keep this in mind as you work through retirement income planning with your financial advisor, so you can anticipate what the taxes are and how you should adapt your investment plan to account for them. Here’s a basic example of how it works: Let’s say you’re a married couple filing jointly, and your combined Social Security retirement benefits for 2013 were $10,000. You also received $25,000 in income from a pension, and withdrew $15,000 from your investment portfolio. To determine if your benefits may be taxable, simply take one-half of your Social Security retirement income amount, in this case $5,000, and add it to all your other sources of income: $5,000 + $25,000 + $15,000 = $45,000. If your income total exceeds $25,000 (single) or $32,000 (married filing jointly), which in this example it does, then part of your Social Security income is taxable. You would most likely have to file a return for your Social Security Benefits received on Form 1040 or 1040A.1 [+] Read More

Social Security Retirement Benefits: Your Timing Matters

April 16, 2014
Are you thinking of retiring soon, but are still unsure about when you should take Social Security retirement benefits? Here’s something you may not have known before: the Social Security retirement benefit system is set up to incentivize people to delay collecting benefits. If your financial situation enables you to delay collecting benefits, it could make a lot of sense for you to wait. Here’s a great introductory graphic that can help frame your thinking: Social Security Timing Tradeoffs (Click chart for larger version) Source: Social Security Administration, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. For illustrative purposes only. For 1955 - 1960, two months are added to the Full Retirement Age each year. [+] Read More

When Should I Start Taking Social Security?

July 29, 2013
Knowing when to take Social Security is dependent on a number of variables, all of which are unique to you and your financial plan. Ultimately, it is a financial choice you make, and it’s a very important one. At WrapManager, our Wealth Managers create a comprehensive investment plan for our clients, so that we intimately understand all of the variables that are important to meeting their family’s goals. Many people come to us wondering: should I start early and receive Social Security retirement benefits as soon as I’m eligible, or is it better to wait so you can receive a higher monthly benefit? Source: Social Security Administration Below, we’ve outlined a few guiding questions designed to help you think smarter about when to start taking your Social Security retirement benefits. We’d encourage you to discuss with your family and one of our Wealth Managers. [+] Read More