Gabriel Burczyk

Founder & CEO

Estate Planning: How to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Costly Problems

4 min read

Estate Planning: How to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Costly Problems

Many Americans don’t have an estate plan because they don't like to think about a time when they will no longer be around. It's understandable, but if you want to protect your assets and leave a meaningful legacy, you need a plan in place. The last...

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Charitable Gift Giving Guide

3 min read

Charitable Gift Giving Guide

Charitable donations are an effective way to reduce your taxable income while also giving back to your community. According to a recent survey, 64...

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navigate the most common financial problems

3 min read

Navigate Common Financial Challenges

Financial challenges come in different shapes and sizes. Some build up over time, others are completely unexpected. Below is a list of the most...

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