Community Events

Let's Assemble! Join us in supporting Mill Valley and Marin County non-profits, woman-owned businesses, environmental impact, and cultural groups. Together, let's inspire and empower the community through events, volunteering, and awareness campaigns.


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Let's Assemble!

We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.

Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival
67th Annual Event
September 14-15, 2024

The 67th Annual Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival will be September 14th-15th. The MVFAF Board and their committee each meet once a month at Assembly.

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These companies are not endorsing/affiliated with Assembly Wealth.

Marin Charitable Marin Garden Club Mill Valley Arts Festival National Charity League NSLP Female Founder Stories McBicycle Coalition Kids Cooking For Life OHCA Heart of Us Spirit of Marin Hannah MVMF Rotary Mill Valley Hivery Pure Music Live MCE Kiddo Mill Valley Schools Community Foundation Elm

Previous Gatherings

Explore our past events to see how we shaped our community together. From educational seminars to lively meet-ups, these moments have brought us together, fostering connections and enriching our collective experience.

1 min read

Own Your Voice: An Evening of Women Authors and Founders

Own Your Voice: An Evening of Women Authors and Founders Hosted by: The Hivery May 29, 2024 The Hivery hosted "Own Your...

Tam High Foundation: High Donor Appreciation

High Donor Appreciation Hosted by: Tam High Foundation May 1, 2024 Tam High Foundation hosted a special appreciation...

Inspiring Speaker Series Celebrating 20th Anniversary of the Cambodian Children's Fund

Cambodian Children's Fund Hosted by: Lily Kanter & Marc Sarosi Apr 27, 2024 Scott Neeson created the Cambodian...

Enriching Lives Through Music Board Retreat

Enriching Lives through Music Board Retreat Hosted by: ELM Board of Directors May 18, 2024 Enriching Lives through...

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Together, we can create a future that's not only financially prosperous but also rich in connections and communal contributions.

Let's build a brighter, more empowered future together.

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